When we heard about the Brute Force Mile, we knew we wanted to get in on the action. It’s what BUB would have done, so now it’s what we’ll do. Every year Brute Force picks a military charity to support and this year they picked an amazing one obviously near and dear to us!
The Brute Force Mile is a fundraising event with all proceeds going to the Glen Doherty Foundation, which was established to bring education and recreation to those in need. Their mission statement is to pay “forward Glen's love for learning and his passion for igniting the spirit through adventure. We aim to bring joy and personal advancement into the lives of many. We do this knowing that Glen's spirit will continue to touch us all.”
So, grab your Brute Force sandbag and join us as we take on the toughest mile we’ll ever move.
What is it:The Brute Force Mile is both a virtual and/or in-person event. Your registration fee includes entry to the event and the Brute Force Mile swag pack. (P.S. Register by August 23rd to ensure you have your Brute Force mile swag pack, which we promise you want.)
Where do I run: Complete the Brute Force Mile on your own or at a participating host gym. The mile workout can be completed anytime between August 23 - 29th for leaderboard and prize eligibility.
How do I register: Easy day. Sign up for the Brute Force Mile online and get all your fit friends to join you.
Why torture myself this way: Street cred. Gainz. Impress your gym crush. Super rad swag. And also, a great cause: #BUBWouldGo.