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November 10, 2020 3 min read
By TJ Ferrara

It All Starts With Happy Cows

No, seriously. Our collagen protein production process begins with happy cows.Strictly speaking, we can’t be entirely sure that our cows are happy, given the fact that it’s difficult to tell whether or not a cow is actually smiling. That said, if there was ever an environment that would make a cow happy, it has to be ours: our collagen is sourced from cows in South America, specifically Brazil and Uruguay. These cows enjoy expansive grazing areas, and are entirely grass-fed, part of a diet that’s 100% free from hormones.Like we said, happy cows.

Natural Collagen From Step One

Have you heard of “nose-to-tail” eating? It’s a food philosophy that calls for use of every part of the animal so that nothing is wasted. And it’s also one of the best ways to describe our collagen production mentality. Collagen is actually a throwaway product from the tannery, or leather, industry. It is the layers of cowhide that aren’t made into shoes, but are useless in every other market. This means that we are upcycling a part of the cow that would have otherwise been thrown out.Not only are we improving our bodies through a pure form of energy, but we’re succeeding in preventing waste along the way. Who would’ve thought that we could source a rich amino acid profile from one of the parts of the cow traditionally thrown away?Here’s the thing: our bodies can’t absorb raw collagen material, so breaking it down into peptides makes its many amino acids easy for the body to absorb. That’s why BUBS Naturals Collagen Protein is made specifically from grass-fed cows sustained without the use of hormones. Happy cows really do contribute to better-quality collagen.

What About the Collagen Protein Production Process?

Once the raw materials have been sourced, they still need to be washed. And we don’t mean washed like a dirty car or a muddy dog - we mean deeply washed, so that the collagen is freed from any possible contamination. The washing part is also important for taste - a thorough washing eliminates any unwanted items that could compromise the final, flavorless product. This means that you can enjoy it in your coffee, smoothie, or even a glass of water with no extra flavoring.Then it’s time for a fun part: extraction. Extraction occurs in a large enzyme bath, much like a slurry. It’s important because this production phase contributes to collagen peptides’ off-the-charts levels of amino acids, that does a lot for the human body and for connective tissue.A slurry, by the way, is a solid-liquid mixture - think solid particles, suspended in water. It’s kind of like cement...only instead of pouring it out to lay a foundation for a building, this mixture is full of amino acids that will be the foundation for countless structures in your body. The enzyme bath is especially important, and every manufacturer does it a little differently.This step sets collagen peptides apart and ensures a high amino acid profile. The material goes through the bath a few times to make sure all amino acids are accounted for.

Hydrolysis, Anyone?

Then, the product goes through a process called hydrolysis.Hydrolysis pulls solid peptides from the liquid mixture so that it can be a powder, the powder that we are all familiar with. Any remaining impurities are removed during this part of the process as well.After the solid peptides have been removed from the water, they are sterilized with water. They are then tumble dried, which promotes solubility later on. During drying, the peptides also go through a process called algomorizing - it sounds fancy, but really it just brings the peptides together, creating a slightly thicker powder particle. A larger particle means more surface area so that it can dissolve faster.Since collagen is a glue, lower-quality collagen peptides will congeal when added to water. Our drying process prevents that from happening altogether; you can add BUBS Naturals Collagen Protein to your coffee without worrying about bumps or lumps.

Why Does the Process Matter?

Our collagen protein manufacturing process begins with collagen and ends with collagen peptides. More than we want you to remember every step in the process, we want you to notice what’s missing.Without additional ingredients or flavor masking, we’re confident that our collagen protein is as close to a pure protein as they come. From start to finish, there was absolutely nothing added: no mystery ingredients, no fillers, no artificial flavors or anything else that could alter the final product. When we say our collagen peptides are natural, we mean it.