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February 19, 2020 3 min read
By Jessica Danger

Easy Ways to Increase Protein Intake For You, Your Kids and Your PetsGetting enough protein can be difficult. Whether it's you, your children, or even your pets — almost anyone can benefit from increasing their protein intake. One of the ways we do this at our house is by finding different ways to fold protein powder into what we’re already eating.

Easy Ways to Increase Protein Intake For You, Your Kids and Your Pets

Morning or Snack Time Smoothies:This feels obvious, but most kids love smoothies. Since BUBS Collagen Protein is truly unflavored, you can low key dump a few scoops of it into their berry smoothie and they’re none the wiser.Pro-Tip: If you let your kids help you in the kitchen, they might be more inclined to eat what they’re helping to make.

Easy Ways to Increase Protein Intake For You, Your Kids and Your Pets

Dog treats:We’re dog people around these parts. I mean, cats are fine and all, but we love to make treats for our household hound, Leila. She’s a nine-year-old Boxer with bad hips and even worse gas, so naturally we do anything we can to help both conditions.Protein Ice Cream: My kids think I’m a hero when I make ice cream. I use coconut milk or full-fat milk, BUBS Collagen Protein, and then add whatever flavor they want.

My youngest prefers mint chip, my middle chocolate chip or plain vanilla, and my oldest goes nuts for coffee (my man!) and it’s easy to make them what they want without feeling guilty or overindulgent.Here is the base recipe I use for ice cream. You can find a pretty inexpensive ice cream maker anywhere for this clean ice cream treat. And if that’s not in the cards for you, no worries. You can use a hand blender, a Ninja, whatever you already have. Think outside the box. Pro-Tip: BUBS makes single serve collagen packets. Keep these in your bag for excursions out with your kids, like those times they won’t eat ANYTHING if it is not frozen yogurt from that one place ALL THE WAY across town and that’s it, that’s the only thing they’ll eat, and so you oblige but you DEFINITELY mix in a packet of BUBS from your pocket first and then low key smile at yourself while you watch aforementioned child eat his $12 frozen yogurt.

Part of that is making her homemade, high in protein, dog treats and lucky for her, collagen helps with your guts and your joints! Yes, even for dogs. Like our ice cream, we mix it up with different flavors: Peanut butter banana is one of her favorites. She also likes sweet potatoes and apples, and since BUBS collagen protein mixes well in almost anything, sometimes I’ll use that with pan drippings and almond flour for some doggo cookies to give her when she is a 10/10 good girl but let’s be honest, when ISN’T she?Pro-Tip: This has nothing to do with cooking or protein collagen, but is rather a shameless plug for Reps For Rescues, a nonprofit organization created in direct response to the number of companion animal euthanizations throughout the country. If you are looking for a great cause to support or a reason to put on a fundraiser in your gym, we got you. You all know how much we love nonprofits. We’re about it.Morning (or let’s be honest here, around the clock) Coffee: It’s hard managing this brood and sometimes Mama is tired. Which is why I have a morning ritual. I get up very early, every day without variance when the house is cool and quiet and no one needs me yet. I grind my beans the night before and I use a french press every morning. I feed and walk the gassy arthritic dog, I read and journal, and I have my coffee. Thanks to my pal Courtney Donmoyerand the game-changer that is the BUBS frother, I have dialed in that first cup. I pour four ounces (count those macros, yo!) into my favorite mug, one scoop of BUBS collagen protein and one scoop of MCT Oil, and sometimes when i’m feeling a bit extra, one scoop of monk fruit sweetener. Then I use that magic wand to whip it up into a nice frothy foam and pour that perfect french press blend in. Then don’t bother me.

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